Smart 5S provides managers with centralized and real-time information on the status of the 5S programs implemented in every area or department of their company. The app integrates all the areas to be audited, their specific checklist and the team members involved.
Smart 5S’s main funtionality is to verify the compliance of standards that should have been previously defined and also to identify and amend any anomalous situation with ease and efficiency.
The software allows managers to prepare, edit and update checklists as they need and to add users with autonomy.
Users can easily manage the information from any mobile device and PC as the cloud service allows access both via mobile application and web platform.
Managers can plan improvement actions, assign the people responsible for them and set deadlines as well as the estimated costs and working hours. The repository contains all the information and the results of previous audit, the list of corrective actions and their status (completed or pending) which facilitates the monitoring process.

Smart 5S uses visual management cues, such as the red/green language, to help users to rapidly visualize standards compliance. Besides, users can add images to document both correct and wrong situations.
The app automatically generates reports and graphs for data visualization – audit scores, performance KPIs, the Pareto of causes, etc.- allowing managers to evaluate the impact of the company’s 5S program.

Smart 5S is a simple, visual and usable app that eases remarkably the whole audit process and the document management associated to it.
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